Weight Loss Hypnosis Help

Weight Loss Hypnosis Help

November 7, 2018 By Ian Smith

Are you looking to find weight loss hypnosis help? You’ve tried every diet out there, haven’t you? Keto, intermittent fasting, that juice cleanse your friend swore by… and works for a few weeks. You lose some weight. But then, boom—two months later, it’s all back. Maybe even a little more. You’re thinking, “What the heck is going on?”

And it’s not just about food. You know there’s more to it. It’s the late-night snacking, stress eating, and the feeling of not being in control around food. This voice inside says, “You’ve failed before, so why bother?” Does this sound familiar?

You’re not alone in this. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been asking yourself some hard questions:

  • Why can’t I stick to a plan?
  • Why do I sabotage myself right when I’m making progress?
  • Why does food seem to control me instead of the other way around?

Here’s the truth: losing weight isn’t just about the calories in, calories out formula. That’s basic. The deeper battle is happening up here—in your mind.

That’s where weight loss hypnosis help comes in.

What Even Is Weight Loss Hypnosis?

Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. Weight loss hypnosis isn’t about someone waving a watch in front of your face and making you cluck like a chicken. This isn’t stage magic. This is about rewiring your brain—changing your thoughts about food, exercise, and yourself.

Hypnosis taps into your subconscious, that 90% of your brain you don’t control, and enables you to rewrite the beliefs and habits that keep sabotaging your progress.

Think of it this way: You’ve got all these negative mental loops playing in your mind:

  • “I’ll never lose the weight.”
  • “I’m always going to be the ‘bigger’ friend.”
  • “I can’t say no to dessert.”

These beliefs run in the background and mess with everything you try to do. With weight loss hypnosis, you’re disrupting those loops and replacing them with thoughts that work for you, not against you.

How Does Weight Loss Hypnosis Help Work?

Let’s keep it simple. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focus where your brain is more open to suggestion. It’s not mind control. You’re still in charge. What it does is help you shift thinking patterns without all the mental noise.

Here’s what happens during hypnosis:

1. Relaxation: You get into a deeply relaxed state (like meditation or the moments right before sleep).
2. Suggestion: Once you’re relaxed, your mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and new ways of thinking.
3. Reinforcement: These new thoughts and ideas become part of your automatic behaviour through repetition.

You’re not just fighting the battle on the surface anymore. You’re working at the root of the problem—your beliefs, habits, and mindset. You’re building a new foundation.

Why Your Brain Is Sabotaging You (And How Hypnosis Helps)

We’ve all been there. You start a new weight loss plan, are motivated as hell, and crush it the first week. Then something happens. Stress at work, a weekend with friends, or a rough day. You binge, you stop working out, you say, “I’ll start again on Monday.”

Why does this happen?

It’s because willpower is finite. You only have so much of it in a day, and once it’s gone, you fall back into autopilot. That’s when your old habits take over.

Here’s the kicker: Most of the time, your brain runs on subconscious patterns you’re unaware of. Hypnosis helps because it targets those patterns.

When I first heard about hypnosis, I thought it sounded woo-woo. But think about it: how often have you felt out of control around food? That’s because these patterns are ingrained at a deep level.

Hypnosis helps in ways that willpower alone can’t touch:

  • You break free from the “diet mentality”—that cycle of on-again, off-again dieting that leaves you feeling defeated.
  • You stop emotional eating because you’re no longer using food to soothe stress, boredom, or sadness.
  • You shift from self-sabotage to self-care. This is huge. You start to want to make better choices because your brain isn’t fighting you anymore.

Let’s Get Practical: What Does Weight Loss Hypnosis Look Like Day-to-Day?

You’re not sitting in a dark room with a weird soundtrack playing on repeat. It’s much more practical than that. Hypnosis can be done through:

  • Guided audio sessions: You can listen to these at home or on a walk. They help reinforce positive thoughts and habits.
  • In-person sessions with a hypnotherapist: This can be a powerful option if you prefer someone to guide you through it, but it’s not necessary for most people.
  • Self-hypnosis: In self-hypnosis, you train yourself to get into a focused, relaxed state and repeat the suggestions to help you stay on track.

The great thing is that once you’ve practised it for a while, you can quickly enter a hypnotic state. It’s like meditation but with a more specific purpose.

What to Expect:

  • No more fighting with yourself: You know that internal battle where you want to eat healthy, but you crave the junk? That fight starts to fade. You begin enjoying the good stuff more often.
  • Better self-talk: Instead of the constant “I’ll never lose weight” chatter, you start hearing “I can do this” or “I’m in control.”
  • Less emotional eating: When stressed or bored, your brain won’t automatically reach for the chips. You’ll notice it and choose something better.

Quick Wins: How to Get Started with Weight Loss Hypnosis

You don’t need to be a hypnosis expert to start seeing benefits. Here’s how to dip your toes into the water:

1. Find a quality guided session: There are plenty of free resources, but make sure you find a reputable one. Look for a session specifically aimed at weight loss or mindful eating.

2. Set aside 10-15 minutes daily: This is the key. You’re building a new habit, which only works if you’re consistent. Think of it like going to the gym for your brain.

3. Focus on one change at a time: Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Maybe you want to stop snacking after dinner or feel less stressed about food. Pick one thing and focus on it.

4. Be patient: Hypnosis isn’t a quick fix but effective over time. You’ll start noticing subtle shifts in your thinking and behaviour, leading to lasting results.

Look, I get it—hypnosis for weight loss might seem out there at first. But what do you have to lose? If you’ve tried everything else and it’s not sticking, exploring this mental game-changer is worth exploring. Weight loss hypnosis help is all about getting your mind aligned with your goals so that you’re not constantly battling yourself. And let’s be honest—that battle is exhausting. Why not get some help?

Contact Quays Clinic

For hypnotherapy services to help with weight loss, contact Quays Clinic. Ian Smith is a respected international therapist with over 202 five-star reviews.

Ian Smith (Distinction D.Hyp) T.F.T. C.I.S.H.
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367