Weight Loss Help Using Hypnosis

Weight Loss Help Using Hypnosis

November 7, 2018 0 By Ian Smith

Weight loss help using hypnosis: does it work?

Ever wonder why losing weight is such a struggle? I mean, how many times have you tried the latest diet, worked your butt off at the gym, only to see those pounds sneak right back on? Or worse, despite all your efforts, you’re still stuck at the same number on the scale. Frustrating, right? You’re not alone. I hear people asking these questions all the time:

  • Why can’t I stick to my diet for more than a week?
  • Why do I self-sabotage every time I make progress?
  • Why do I crave food even when I’m not hungry?

Now, here’s where hypnosis comes in. And yeah, I know what you’re probably thinking: Hypnosis? Isn’t that some weird woo-woo stuff?

I get it. But hear me out. There’s more to it than what you’ve seen in movies, and it might just be the missing link in your weight loss journey.

What Is Hypnosis for Weight Loss?

Let’s cut to the chase. Hypnosis for weight loss isn’t about swinging a pocket watch in front of your face and saying, “You are getting very sleepy.” It’s about rewiring your mind. And when it comes to shedding pounds, that mental game is often the biggest hurdle.

Hypnosis taps into your subconscious mind—the part that’s calling the shots when you don’t even realize it. It’s where those automatic habits live. You know, like mindlessly reaching for snacks when bored or grabbing fast food after a stressful day. Sound familiar?

The idea here is to break those patterns and build better ones. With hypnosis, you’re essentially reprogramming your brain to work FOR you, not against you.

Why You Keep Struggling to Lose Weight (It’s Not Just About the Food)

You know how to set that goal to lose 10 pounds? You’re super pumped at first, but after a few days, you cave. Pizza happens. You feel bad about it. Then maybe you skip the gym because “what’s the point,” right?

It’s not that you lack willpower. The real issue is that your brain is running on autopilot. Food has conditioned it to respond to stress, boredom, and other triggers. So, even if you want to change, your subconscious mind does what it’s always done.

Here’s how hypnosis helps break that cycle:

  • Craving Control: Hypnosis targets your deep-rooted associations with food. It helps you cut those emotional ties to eating when stressed or feeling down.
  • Building Healthy Habits: You can rewire your brain to prefer healthy foods over junk and want to exercise instead of dreading them.
  • Mindful Eating: Hypnosis can make you more aware of when you’re full, and you stop eating just because food’s in front of you.

So yeah, it’s not magic, but it is a mental shift—and sometimes that’s exactly what we need.

How Hypnosis Helps with Weight Loss

The magic (if we can call it that) of hypnosis lies in its ability to help you reprogram your habits. It goes after the core of what’s holding you back. Here’s how it can work:

1. Breaking Emotional Eating Habits

How often have you been in front of the fridge after a bad day? Or maybe you’re suddenly three bags of chips deep after an argument? Emotional eating is a significant block to weight loss.

Hypnosis can help by:

  • Reducing the emotional triggers that make you reach for food.
  • Building awareness around your eating habits so you notice before you dive in.
  • Strengthening your ability to pause and make better decisions.

2. Boosting Motivation to Exercise

Let’s be honest. Sometimes, just getting off the couch feels like a marathon in itself. That’s where hypnosis can help shift the mindset from “I HAVE to work out” to “I WANT to move my body.”

Hypnosis works by:

  • Making exercise feel more rewarding than it used to be.
  • Changing the narrative from “exercise is hard” to “I feel great after working out.”
  • Helping you envision the results and stay focused on your goals.

3. Shifting Your Mindset Around Food

Most diets fail because they make food the enemy. You feel deprived, which makes you want to binge even more. Hypnosis can help change that.

Instead of seeing food as something to fear, hypnosis shifts your brain to see food as fuel. You start to crave healthier choices, and those high-calorie snacks no longer seem as appealing.

What You Can Expect from Hypnosis for Weight Loss

So, if you’re thinking about giving hypnosis a shot, here’s what you can expect.

It’s Not Instant (But It’s Powerful)

If you expect to wake up one day completely free of your cravings, you’re in for a surprise. Hypnosis doesn’t work that way. It’s not a quick fix; it’s a tool to help you change over time.

You’ll likely need multiple sessions to see results. Consistency is critical, like working out or sticking to a meal plan.

You’re Still in Control

You’re not going to cluck like a chicken or forget your name. That’s movie stuff. During hypnosis, you’re completely aware and in control. You’re just in a relaxed state where you’re more open to suggestions. The idea is to make suggestions to your subconscious that support your goals—like choosing healthier foods or feeling less stressed without reaching for the candy bar.

It Gets to the Root of Your Habits

Think of it this way: You’ve got a giant iceberg. The stuff above the water? That’s your conscious mind. The part you’re aware of. But the bulk of the iceberg, the part under the water—that’s your subconscious. That’s where your habits live, exactly where hypnosis goes to work.

By accessing your subconscious, hypnosis helps dismantle the old habits that keep sabotaging your weight loss efforts and replaces them with new, healthier ones.

Is Hypnosis Right for You?

So, now you’re probably wondering, Will hypnosis help me lose weight?

Here’s the deal—it’s not for everyone, but it can work for many people. Hypnosis might be the missing piece if you feel stuck, like you’ve tried everything and nothing works. Especially if you:

  • Struggle with emotional eating or food cravings.
  • Feel like your motivation to work out is at an all-time low.
  • You can’t seem to break your old habits, no matter how hard you try.

Weight loss help using hypnosis isn’t some hocus-pocus nonsense. It’s a legitimate tool that helps you control your mindset, cravings, and habits.

Hypnosis can be the game-changer that helps you lose weight sustainably and realistically. You’re in the driver’s seat—hypnosis enables you to steer the wheel in the right direction.

Contact Quays Clinic

For hypnotherapy services to help with weight loss, smoking cessation, or anxiety relief, contact Quays Clinic. Ian Smith is a respected international therapist with over 202 five-star reviews.

Ian Smith (Distinction D.Hyp) T.F.T. C.I.S.H.
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367