Stress Management Using Hypnosis

Stress Management Using Hypnosis

November 7, 2018 By Ian Smith

Stress management using hypnosis Is the best way to eliminate stressful situations.

Look, we all feel it. That tightness in the chest, the racing mind, feeling like you’re juggling a million things but dropping half of them anyway. Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

Here’s the deal: Stress is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s work pressure, personal drama, or just the overwhelming nature of modern life, it’s everywhere. And let me guess, you’ve probably tried many things to manage it—meditation apps, deep breathing, yoga, and even the occasional glass of wine. But what if I told you something else has been flying under the radar?


I know, I know. The first thing that comes to mind is probably some stage performer swinging a pocket watch, saying, “You’re getting very sleepy.” Forget that. We’re talking about real, actionable, down-to-earth stress management using hypnosis.

But does it work? And how?

What You’re Thinking About Stress

Let’s face it: You’re probably tired of feeling overwhelmed. Maybe you’ve asked yourself questions like:

  • Why can’t I ever chill? You might even know what’s stressing you out, but no matter how much self-talk you do, the tension never disappears.
  • Why do I keep overthinking everything? You replay conversations in your head, worrying if you said something wrong. You stress about things that haven’t even happened yet.
  • Why does nothing work long-term? Maybe you’ve felt better after a guided meditation or a workout, but the stress sneaks back like an unwelcome guest.

Hypnosis could fit here, and I will break it down for you.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis isn’t magic. It’s not even a trick. It’s simply a focused state of relaxation, like when you zone out while driving or binge-watching Netflix and suddenly forget how time has passed. That’s all hypnosis is—a state where your mind is ultra-focused and open to suggestion.

And here’s the kicker: That focused state can be used to rewrite how your brain reacts to stress.

How Hypnosis Helps Manage Stress

Think of your stress response like a lousy software program running in the background. Hypnosis lets you access the source code and make some edits. It’s not about shutting off stress completely (that’s impossible and, honestly, unhealthy). It’s about rewiring how your brain perceives and reacts to stress.

Here’s what hypnosis does in stress management:

1. Reframes Negative Thinking Patterns
Your brain is constantly running a dialogue, and when you’re stressed, that inner voice is often negative, panicked, or self-critical. Hypnosis helps break that loop, giving you the tools to replace those thoughts with more positive, realistic ones.

2. Boosts Relaxation Responses
Stress triggers your “fight or flight” response, but hypnosis activates the opposite—your body’s natural “rest and digest” system. This makes it easier for you to relax, even when in a stressful situation.

3. Builds Mental Resilience
Stress isn’t going anywhere, so building a mindset that handles it better is vital. Hypnosis helps you toughen up mentally, making those stressors feel more manageable instead of overwhelming.

How Does a Hypnosis Session Work?

Picture this: You’re sitting in a comfortable chair, eyes closed, with someone guiding you into a deep state of relaxation. No swinging watches, no mumbo jumbo. Just you and your mind, focusing on the task at hand.

Here’s what typically happens during a session:

  • Relaxation: It starts with deep breathing and a calming voice, leading to a relaxed state.
  • Focus: Once in that state, you’re guided to focus intensely on specific ideas or suggestions, like reducing stress or calming your mind when anxiety strikes.
  • Reprogramming: The hypnotist will introduce positive affirmations and thoughts that target how you handle stress. During this phase, your mind is like a sponge, soaking up those new patterns.

And the best part? These changes stick with you. You’re not “cured” after one session, but these suggestions settle into your subconscious over time and help shape new habits.

D.I.Y. Hypnosis: Is It Possible for Stress Management?

Can you hypnotize yourself? Absolutely. A lot of people use self-hypnosis as a daily or weekly practice to manage stress. And it’s a lot simpler than it sounds.

Here’s how you can get started:

1. Find a quiet spot: This doesn’t have to be a candle-lit room with whale noises. Just somewhere you won’t be interrupted.

2. Close your eyes and slow your breathing: Focus on your breathing, allowing each inhale and exhale to calm your body. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four, and breathe out for four.

3. Visualize calm: Picture yourself in a stress-free situation, like lying on a beach or floating in a warm pool. The more detail you can imagine, the better.

4. Introduce positive suggestions: Say something like, “I am calm and in control,” or “Stress is temporary, and I can handle this.” It would be best to repeat these a few times to sink in.

5. Exit hypnosis: After 10-15 minutes, count upward slowly from one up to five, telling yourself you’re becoming more alert with each number. When you reach five, open your eyes.

Boom. You just hypnotized yourself.

My Personal Take on Stress Management Using Hypnosis

I used to think hypnosis was a joke. Maybe you do, too. But then I hit a point where I was sick of feeling anxious all the time, especially when nothing seemed to help long-term. I started reading more about it, and eventually, I tried it.

Let me tell you: It changed the game.

The first time I noticed it working was when I was stuck in traffic—usually a trigger for me to get stressed. But instead of feeling my blood pressure spike, I felt calm, almost like my mind had been reprogrammed to let it slide. It wasn’t overnight, but with consistency, hypnosis shifted how I responded to stress.

Hypnosis as a Tool in Your Stress Management Toolbox

Listen, hypnosis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But neither is anything else. It’s just another tool in the toolbox, and for many people (myself included), it’s been a game-changer for managing stress in a real, sustainable way.

Hypnosis is worth a shot if you’re tired of the stress cycle. Stress management using hypnosis isn’t about waving a magic wand and having all your problems disappear. It’s about gaining control over how your mind handles the stress that life inevitably throws at you.

And let’s be honest: Who doesn’t want that?

There you have it—stress management using hypnosis in a straightforward way, no fluff, no weird hype—just a solid strategy to help you take back control.

Contact Quays Clinic

For hypnotherapy services to help with stress management, contact Quays Clinic. Ian Smith is an internationally respected therapist who has over 202 five-star reviews.

Ian Smith (Distinction D.Hyp) T.F.T. C.I.S.H.
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367