Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation

Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation

November 7, 2018 By Ian Smith

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is the game-changer you need.

“I’ve tried everything to quit smoking, but nothing sticks.”
“Will hypnotherapy work, or is it just another gimmick?”

These are the real questions I’ve heard over coffee with friends, and I get it. Maybe you’ve tried quitting smoking before using patches, gums, cold turkey, or even prescription methods and every time, the urge pulls you back. You’re frustrated. You’re sceptical. And let’s be honest, you’re probably wondering if hypnotherapy is just another snake oil trick designed to lighten your wallet without delivering results.

But here’s what you want to know: Can hypnotherapy help you quit smoking for good?
Let’s dive in.

What Exactly Is Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation?

Alright, let’s strip away all the hype. Hypnotherapy is about rewiring your subconscious mind. It’s like giving your brain a software update, one that disrupts the habitual patterns and triggers that make you reach for that cigarette. This isn’t magic, and it’s not some woo-woo trick where you’re made to cluck like a chicken. Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation works by shifting your mental gears, helping you break the deep-seated habit of smoking.

Your conscious mind knows smoking is terrible. But the subconscious part holds onto the pattern like a life raft. Hypnotherapy cuts right into that layer, replacing the old urge to smoke with healthier, more productive thoughts.

Why Is Quitting So Hard? (Hint: It’s Not About Willpower)

Most people think smoking is purely about nicotine. But the truth? It’s a habit loop—trigger, behaviour, reward.
Let me break it down:

  • Trigger: Maybe it’s the morning coffee. Maybe it’s stress from work.
  • Behavior: You grab a cigarette.
  • Reward: Instant relaxation, a break, or even something to do with your hands.

The real challenge with smoking isn’t the physical craving. It’s the pattern. Every time that trigger hits, your brain fires off the signal to smoke. And willpower alone can’t stop it because habits run on autopilot.

Hypnotherapy works by breaking this loop. During a session, the hypnotherapist guides you into a relaxed, focused state (not some mind-control thing) and introduces new thought patterns into your subconscious. It’s like rewriting the code so that the next time you hit a trigger, you’ll reach for a healthier option, such as taking a deep breath rather than lighting up.

So, How Does Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation Work Exactly?

I know what you’re thinking: “How the hell does sitting in a chair while someone talks at me get me to stop smoking?” Fair question.

Here’s the deal: hypnotherapy taps into a deep state of relaxation called a trance. Don’t overthink the word “trance” because you’ve been in one before. Ever drive home, completely zoned out, but you still ended up in your driveway? That’s a trance. It’s a state where your mind is more open to suggestions because it’s not busy analyzing everything.

Once you’re in this state, the hypnotherapist suggests new ideas in your subconscious mind. Things like:

  • Smoking is harmful and undesirable.
  • You’re in control of your choices.
  • You can handle stress and triggers without tobacco.

These aren’t magic words. It’s just about getting your subconscious to stop treating smoking like a reward. And when that change happens, the habit starts to unravel.

Common Misconceptions About Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation

I can already hear the sceptics in the room. Let’s debunk a few myths, shall we?

1. “I’ll be out of control.”
Nope. You’re fully aware of what’s happening during a hypnotherapy session. You can snap out of it anytime you want. It’s not mind control. You’re just in a highly focused state, like when deeply engrossed in a book or movie.

2. “It won’t work if I don’t believe in it.”
Look, hypnotherapy isn’t some mystical force that depends on belief. It’s science-backed, with roots in psychology. But yeah, if you walk in thinking it’s all a joke, your walls will be too high for any new ideas to stick. You must show up with an open mind or at least some curiosity.

3. “It’s a one-and-done solution.”
Hypnotherapy can work quickly, but let’s be honest, it’s not a silver bullet. For some, a few sessions are enough. For others, it’s part of a more extensive toolbox. Success is about layering strategies that reinforce each other, not relying on a single trick.

The Mindset Shift You Didn’t Know You Needed

If you’ve ever tried to quit smoking before, you know it’s as much a mental game as it is physical. It’s more mental than anything else. Think about it: How often have you tried to quit, only to start again because of some excuse your mind has cooked up? Things like:

  • “I’ll just have one.”
  • “I’ve had a stressful day; I deserve it.”
  • “Quitting now will be too hard with everything else going on.”

These are mental roadblocks, pure and simple. And hypnotherapy is designed to knock them down.

What hypnotherapy does is give you a new script. Instead of saying, “I need a cigarette to calm down,” your brain starts to say, “I can handle this stress without smoking.” Instead of rationalizing “just one more,” your mind begins to truly see smoking for what it is: a habit that doesn’t serve you anymore.

What Happens in a Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation Session?

Here’s a quick rundown of what to expect so you’re not walking in blind:

1. Initial chat: The hypnotherapist will ask you about your smoking habit when you smoke, why you smoke, and how long you’ve been at it. No judgment, just info gathering.

2. Induction: You’ll be guided into a relaxed state. This usually involves focusing on your breathing or visualizing a calm place.

3. Suggestion phase: Once you’re relaxed, the hypnotherapist will offer positive suggestions aimed at reframing how you see smoking. Things like “You no longer need cigarettes” or “You feel calm and in control without smoking.”

4. Awakening: You’ll return to full awareness, feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Essential Tips If You’re Considering Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

If you’re thinking about giving hypnotherapy a shot, here are a few quick tips:

  • Be ready: You have to want to quit. Hypnotherapy isn’t going to force you to do anything you don’t honestly like.
  • Find a legit practitioner: Make sure they’re certified and experienced.
  • Keep an open mind: If you go in with a wall of scepticism, you’ll block the process from working.
  • Be patient: Some people see results in one session, while others might need several. Stick with it.

The bottom line is this: hypnotherapy for smoking cessation could be the thing that finally gets you to break the habit. It’s not a magic trick, but it does work by helping you rewire the mental patterns that keep you stuck. If you’re serious about quitting, it’s worth considering.

Contact Quays Clinic

For hypnotherapy services to help with smoking cessation, contact Quays Clinic. Ian Smith is a respected international therapist with over 202 five-star reviews.

Ian Smith (Distinction D.Hyp) T.F.T. C.I.S.H.
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367